[mapserver-dev] [Motion] Version Numbering

Alan Boudreault aboudreault at mapgears.com
Mon Oct 15 06:27:49 PDT 2012

When discussed, I thought that version number would be the one of the 
MapServer *suite* not replacing the mapserver version. I do agree that 
12.10 is ok for a suite of softwares but not to replace the MS version.



On 12-10-15 03:40 AM, thomas bonfort wrote:
> Devs,
> We've discussed this previously but never formally voted on our
> version numbering.
> Context: In order to allow some decoupling between mapserver, mapcache
> and tinyows releases, we will be changing our version numbering from
> Major.Minor.Release to Year.Month[.Release], i.e. 6.2.0, 6.2.1,
> 6.2.2,..., 6.4.0, 6.4.1,...  will be released as 12.10, 12.10.1,
> 12.10.2..., 13.04, 13.04.1,...
> I motion to release our coming version as 12.10 and adopt a
> Year.Month[.Release] for future versions.
> +1
> thomas
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Alan Boudreault

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