[mapserver-dev] Overwrite Extent for WMS

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Fri Mar 15 12:53:47 PDT 2013

Hi Fabian,

I didn't setup a testcase to try to reproduce this, but the code should 
take the layer "wms|ows_extent" metadata in priority even for rasters, 
so I do not understand what is happening. (i.e. mapwms.c will call 
msOWSGetLayerExtent() for any layer type, which looks up the metadata 
first and should fall back on calling msLayerGetExtent() -> 
msRASTERLayerGetExtent() only if metadata is not set.)

You didn't specify which version of MapServer you are using. Hopefully 
it's 6.2 or a more recent dev snapshot.

All this to say that you may have hit a bug that should be investigated.


On 13-03-15 10:06 AM, Fabian Schindler wrote:
> Dear Devs,
> I want to configure a layer for WMS where I set the extent of the image
> with a dateline wrapped extent (for raster files that cross the dateline).
> Now I expected I could do this with "wms|ows_extent" metadata entries,
> but it only works for "plain" raster files with no geospatial metadata
> attached.
> It does not work, however, with GeoTIFFs with projection and
> geotransform set. The images are always at the extent that is given in
> the raster file itself.
> For comparison: in WCS when "ows|wcs_extent" and any of "ows|wcs_size"
> or "ows|wcs_resolution" is set, the extent is always overruled by the
> mapfile.
> Is this behavior intended? Or did I stumble over a bug? Is there any
> other way to overrule the input data extent without touching the file
> itself?
> Regads,
> Fabian
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Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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