[mapserver-dev] MapScript for dynamic/arbitrary shapefile using python, or java or C# mapscrip

Sajid Anwar sajid.khatana at gmail.com
Sun Jan 5 16:05:18 PST 2014


I want to write a program (function) for Mapserver, which dynamically valid
for arbitrary shapefile, and will change the style like color etc, on the
basis of attribute(attribute will be provide by user) from shapefile. I
want to develop and rendered choropleth for arbitrary shapefile.

I know that we can use MapScript, and I already read some tutorial about
python mapscript. I need help/direction about which scripting language is
easy to use and more flexible. I am working on visualization as a service
(vaas), M.Sc. thesis.

Visualization as a service (vaas), will accept shapefile from user, and
then display the column of data file, on user’s GUI, where the user will
select the attribute on the basis of which service will take the decision
of visual variable like color for choropleth map. After these decisions are
taken, how I write program for MapServer to handle arbitrary shapefile.

I already use the Map file in cgi mode, but it is static and we manually
change the file(metadata) for each shape file.

Python or java or C# Mapscript is the best option? Any other tutorial to
start but not from Mapserver website.

Thanks in advance

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