[mapserver-dev] Request to change default value of label->partials in next release

John Morton jmorton at ldeo.columbia.edu
Fri Nov 20 11:53:57 PST 2015

It makes sense in general for the label->partials value to be set to false by default in map files. For WMS, PARTIALS FALSE is always required for proper display in a tiled map, which I'm assuming represents the vast majority of WMS GetMap requests. Also, since SLD provides no elements for toggling off partial labels, any tiled maps styled with SLD instead of map file CLASS blocks will have their labels cut off with no way to modify this behavior. There aren't many use cases where partial labels are desired, so they should probably be the exception rather than the rule.

John Morton
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
jmorton at ldeo.columbia.edu <mailto:jmorton at ldeo.columbia.edu>
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