[mapserver-dev] Mapfile keywords questions
Lime, Steve D (MNIT)
steve.lime at state.mn.us
Thu Jun 29 10:49:49 PDT 2017
If a block contains a significant set of keywords itself or is otherwise complex then it probably should have its own page.
I don't think I'd list SCALE specifically, it's been deprecated since 5.0 and it still gets a shout out in the SCALEDENOM section. If anything I'd remove reference to it altogether.
The CGI parameters are independent of the mapfile configuration. They use a different parser... A few of the CGI parameters can be directly mapped to mapfile settings (e.g. mapex => extent, layer => layer STATUS) and I could see making note of that in the CGI documentation if not already. Others (e.g. mode) are controlling the behavior of the MapServer CGI application and have no connection to the mapfile.
From: Seth G [mailto:sethg at geographika.co.uk]
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2017 7:29 AM
To: Lime, Steve D (MNIT) <steve.lime at state.mn.us>; Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri at swoodbridge.com>; mapserver-dev at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [mapserver-dev] Mapfile keywords questions
Thanks Steve for all the details.
I'm not sure why I had SCALETOKEN in the list. Maybe however this block deserves its own page in the docs?
SCALE is referred to on the http://mapserver.org/mapfile/map.html page, but only as part of the newer SCALEDENOM keyword. Should it be added as its own keyword, with a deprecated tag? Also are all the keywords listed at http://mapserver.org/cgi/controls.html Mapfile keywords, or are they a separate but similar set?
I'm happy to take care of creating a ticket for updating the docs, and fix these where appropriate.
On 29/06/2017 13:53, Lime, Steve D (MNIT) wrote:
Agreed. I guess I can do it... there are a couple of instance where doc updates probably aren't warranted IMHO (simple, compfilter). That's up for debate...
Re:LATLON... More info, that parameter takes a projection string. It allows you to override the default geographic projection used by MapServer.
From: mapserver-dev <mapserver-dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org><mailto:mapserver-dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> on behalf of Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri at swoodbridge.com><mailto:woodbri at swoodbridge.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2017 1:02:16 PM
To: mapserver-dev at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:mapserver-dev at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Re: [mapserver-dev] Mapfile keywords questions
Hmmm, sounds like there should be two tickets opened:
1. one for code changes at https://github.com/mapserver/mapserver/issues
2. one for doc changes at https://github.com/mapserver/docs/issues
-Steve W
On 6/28/2017 1:21 PM, Lime, Steve D (MNIT) wrote:
> Hi Seth: Results of my research... Thanks for sharing yours. I think you've identified a few places where some cleanup is warranted. --Steve
> *RELATIVETO - I don't believe this is in use. Should be removed.
> *COMPFILTER - My take is that COMPFILTER, while part of the enhancement, is not actually functional in any meaningful way so it's not worth documenting beyond RFC 113 at this point.
> *GRATICULE - more research needed here. I'm not regular user of graticule/grid functionality, but it has not been formally deprecated.
> *SCALETOKEN - is documented in detail here: http://mapserver.org/mapfile/layer.html.
> *LATLON - this is processed at the map level as a shortcut to define a second geographic projection independent of the map->projection. Presumably something like "LATLON TRUE". It is used in some places in the CGI and template handling for projection to geographic coordinates. Probably should examine the need for it as it is not documented anywhere...
> *JAVASCRIPT - I don't believe the token is needed. I imagine it was a holdover when the thought was that block of javascript could defined within a mapfile. Instead referencing an external file was pursued.
> *SCALE - This is valid within the map object and is a parameter for CGI/FCGI and documented here: http://mapserver.org/mapfile/map.html. The idea is/was to set an explicit scale, center point and size and then let MapServer compute a matching extent rather than the other way around.
> *INDEX - I don't believe this is in use. Should be removed.
> *SIMPLE - This is a valid TYPE value within a SYMBOL object. It's actually the default value (e.g. a pixel) and is never set explicitly - hence the lack of documentation.
> *TITLE - still a valid property for a class but deprecated. Should be considered for removal.
> *VALUES - Part of the SCALETOKEN implementation and is covered there.
> *COLORRANGE and DATARANGE - We've always considered that functionality experimental and ripe for refactoring and haven't wanted to encourage their use. Lame, but that's my story... ;-)
> *BANDSITEM - I don't believe this is in use. Should be removed. The bandsitem and bandsitemindex still exist as part of the layer object but are unused...
> *OVERLAYSYMBOL - It's a deprecated CLASS-level keyword from the pre-STYLE days. It sets the SYMBOL property of the second style. It's there for backwards compatibility only.
> *EQUALS - token is valid within the context of MapServer expression parsing. Represents geometry (GEOS) equality...
> *MULTIPLE, SINGLE - I don't see why we need these keywords when we have ONE-TO-ONE and ONE-TO-MANY. We're lucky MS_ONE_TO_ONE = MS_SINGLE, etc... and that should be fixed in loadJoin()...
> *LINECAP - I concur with the missing triangle option.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mapserver-dev [mailto:mapserver-dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Seth G
> Sent: Friday, June 23, 2017 6:33 PM
> To: mapserver-dev at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:mapserver-dev at lists.osgeo.org>
> Subject: [mapserver-dev] Mapfile keywords questions
> Hi list,
> I'm trying to get the definitive list of current Mapfile keywords and
> syntax for a Mapfile parser I'm working on
> (https://github.com/geographika/mappyfile).
> I've gone through the MapServer docs, and also the sourcecode and have a
> few keywords that aren't documented and I'm not sure are still used. If
> anyone has any details on the list below it would be very useful. I can
> open issues if necessary and update docs.
> RELATIVETO - mentioned in
> https://github.com/mapserver/mapserver/issues/1547 (from 2006) and is in
> the maplexer.l file. It is not in the test mapfile created when the
> issue was resolved
> (https://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/attachment/ticket/1547/test_points.map).
> So it may never have been used?
> COMPFILTER - http://www.mapserver.org/development/rfc/ms-rfc-113.html -
> not used? Looks interesting! Should be added to
> http://www.mapserver.org/mapfile/composite.html ?
> GRATICULE - used to be a LAYER CONNECTION type, but now deprecated?
> SCALETOKEN - should be in http://www.mapserver.org/mapfile/layer.html
> Documented in http://www.mapserver.org/output/kerneldensity.html
> LATLON - in maplexer.l but not sure where this would be used in a Mapfile.
> JAVASCRIPT - it is a token in maplexer.l, but not sure where this would
> be needed (javascript is in quotes as part of the GEOTRANSFORM options)
> SCALE - again a token, but I can only find it as a LAYER processing
> INDEX - not sure what this keyword is for (and hard to search for..)
> SIMPLE, TITLE, VALUES - all in maplexer.l but not in docs.
> COLORRANGE and DATARANGE - should be added to the STYLE doc page -
> currently only documented at http://mapserver.org/output/kerneldensity.html
> Some keywords only seem valid as part of Mapscript rather than a
> last 2 are PHP join types only?)
> Also some non-quoted values also seem to be missing from the docs:
> LINECAP - http://www.mapserver.org/mapfile/style.html?highlight=linecap
> - should TRIANGLE be a documented option? It is in maplexer.l and also
> mentioned at
> http://www.mapserver.org/mapfile/symbology/construction.html#sym-construction
> Regards,
> Seth
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