[mapserver-dev] Dropping support for non-GDAL and non-PROJ builds [was Re: Modernizing code base: C99 and maybe C++ ?]

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Tue Nov 26 16:26:28 PST 2019

And while I'm a rant-style RFC mode, what about dropping those #ifdef USE_GDAL 
and #ifdef USE_PROJ that polutes the code base ? And we don't actually CI test 
those configurations, hence my mantra "untested code is broken code"

Who relies on non-PROJ and non-GDAL enabled code ? And if they are a few that 
do, do we care about them ? We don't need to be nice with everyone. That 
doesn't even buy us free beers.

(I love those rant-style RFCs. They are so pleasant to write :-) And quite to 
the point I think !)


Spatialys - Geospatial professional services

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