[mapserver-dev] SLD <Label> conformance in MapServer

jbo-ads jbo-ads at laposte.net
Wed Mar 18 04:19:40 PDT 2020


As users around me start using SLD in MapServer, they find some issues. 
One of them is related on how <Label> contents should be parsed. This 
made me dig up issues #1737 and #1857 

What puzzles me is how <Label>Lorem_Ipsum</Label> is currently handled: 
MapServer interprets it as an attribute: "[Lorem_Ipsum]" in Mapfile 
syntax, whereas one would expect, according to OGC spec, a plain text 
string: "Lorem_Ipsum".

On one hand I would like to make changes to improve MapServer 
conformance with respect to OGC specification. But on the other hand I 
don't want to break existing configurations.

How should I address that?


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