[mapserver-dev] MS RFC 133: Mapfile Syntax Cleanup

Seth G sethg at geographika.co.uk
Tue Feb 2 14:18:57 PST 2021

Hi Steve,

If you could do a reference pull request I can use this as a template for the other keywords.
I guess it needs a vote before accepting, so I'll start with my +1 - removing ambiguity around keywords will help new MapServer users. I was adding the DUMP keyword to all LAYER configs for several years "just in case"...


twitter: @geographika

On Tue, Feb 2, 2021, at 12:31 AM, Steve Lime wrote:
> I don't recall any keyword removals specifically. Should have to touch:
>  * maplexer.l to remove keywords from the grammar 
>  * mapfile.c/mapfile.h to remove read/write cases and symbols
>  * mapserver.h to remove structure members
> Updating the maplexer.l effectively stops support, the rest is just cleanup. I'll commit to taking a run through all of these in the next day or so. It's a long list...
> --Steve
> On Fri, Jan 29, 2021 at 3:06 PM Seth G <sethg at geographika.co.uk> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've got round to a draft RFC for cleaning up deprecated and legacy Mapfile keywords, based on current docs and going through all the allowed syntax as part of mappyfile development and ongoing MapScript docs updates. 
>> https://mapserver.org/development/rfc/ms-rfc-133.html
>> It might be too early to vote on the RFC without some discussion about which keywords should be removed. 
>> In terms of updates any keyword removal would be a separate pull request. The changes to mapfile.c seem fine (and the msautotest Mapfiles), but I've never used the lexer/parser/Bison process. Are there any sample commits when a Mapfile keyword has been removed previously?
>> Thoughts/comments welcome,
>> Seth
>> --
>> web:http://geographika.co.uk
>> twitter: @geographika
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