[mapserver-dev] GEOS error logging

Seth G sethg at geographika.co.uk
Sat Mar 27 13:49:48 PDT 2021

Hi all,

I'm getting lots of GEOS errors in production logging the following messages (the last message is always some junk content):

msGEOSError(): GEOS library error. @ÞÓV}�

It is hard to track down the cause of these - presumably invalid input, but I'm unsure why and how. It was possible to recreate by passing in NaN for example at https://github.com/MapServer/MapServer/issues/6274 - but there are other cases with similar errors. 

MapServer allows additional logging for GDAL and PROJ via:


Does anyone know if GEOS have similar logging which MapServer could attach to with a similar setup?


twitter: @geographika

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