[mapserver-dev] [MapCache issue #268] HTTP OPTIONS Request to getcababilities throws a 405 error

jbo-ads jbo-ads at mailo.com
Tue Oct 12 07:14:11 PDT 2021

Hi all,

Last week an issue was raised on MapCache about HTTP OPTIONS method 
being rejected. Here it is:

(see also <https://github.com/MapServer/mapcache/issues/268>)
Google Chrome calls the GETCAPABILITIES request as HTTP OPTIONS request 
in our Geoportal-application.
mapchache delivers a 405 Issue to this request

curl -X OPTIONS 
https://path.to.server/mapcache/wmts?SERVICE=WMTS&REQUEST=getcapabilities -i

Response from mapache:

<title>405 Method Not Allowed</title>
Method Not Allowed
The requested method OPTIONS is not allowed for this URL.

I don't know why Google Chrome uses the HTTP OPTIONS in header, but it does.
Our applications stops with error 405.
Other browsers seem to work without any problems.

Is there a configuration option to configure OPTIONS requests?

I don't think a configuration option exists to configure OPTIONS request 
in MapCache and I am not familiar with HTTP protocol subtleties to 
propose a sensible fix.

What should MapCache return to such a request?


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