[mapserver-dev] Heads-up: 8.0 version branched

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Tue Jul 5 13:26:30 PDT 2022

You can change the word "announcement" to website, or changelog, or 
download link, or docs...but you get the point I'm sure.  The point is: 
the world will get to see the beta2 on Friday ha!



On 2022-07-05 5:20 p.m., Jeff McKenna wrote:
> Hi all,
> Some may have noticed that a beta1 was quietly made available last week, 
> but no official announcement: this was no coincidence.  The (great) fast 
> feedback received from those watching this space closely (Bas, etc.) was 
> priceless, so I felt it was best to work through those issues before the 
> announcement.
> Long story short: beta2 is planned for this coming Friday, with a more 
> official announcement etc.  So please if you are working on a pull 
> request now, try to get your changes in before then (with appropriate 
> msautotests).
> Thanks!
> -jeff
>> Starting from now:
>> - please use the new label 'backport branch-8-0' to apply your changes 
>> from 'main' into the new branch-8-0
>> - I'm working on the website updates, so that the mapserver.org 
>> website will serve up 8.0 docs.
>> - beta1 release will happen shortly (once website is ready)
>> Thanks,
>> -jeff

Jeff McKenna
GatewayGeo: Developers of MS4W, MapServer Consulting and Training
co-founder of FOSS4G

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