[MapServer-dev] Migration from Travis CI to GitHub Actions

Seth G sethg at geographika.co.uk
Fri Dec 22 08:53:51 PST 2023

Thanks all for your votes. This work has now been completed and merged with the following 2 pull requests:

- MapServer - https://github.com/MapServer/MapServer/pull/6993
- Docs - https://github.com/MapServer/MapServer-documentation/pull/862

Thanks to Even for the reviews, hints, and taking care of keys, and to Mike and Even for sorting out the Travis subscription. There will be no further payments after this month, with the final month plan expiring on Jan 19th 2024. 

Enjoy any holidays you may be having,

web:https://geographika.net & https://mapserverstudio.net
twitter: @geographika

On Sat, Dec 16, 2023, at 10:52 AM, Seth G wrote:
> Hi all,
> As per discussions in the budget thread [1], Travis CI costs $828/year, 
> and the default MapServer project budget is $1000/year. 
> I propose we migrate completely away from Travis to GitHub Actions for 
> all MapServer projects, and close the Travis account. This will free up 
> budget for 2024 and beyond for other project activities. 
> Steps include:
> - MapServer CI migration to GitHub Actions (GHA) - 
> https://github.com/MapServer/MapServer/blob/main/.travis.yml
>   - Include testing of 2 versions of PHP, possibly using 
> https://github.com/shivammathur/setup-php
>   - Include AddressSanitizer in GHA
> - MapServer Documentation migration: 
> https://github.com/MapServer/MapServer-documentation/blob/main/.travis.yml
> MapCache and TinyOWS have already moved to GHA (the legacy  .travis.yml 
> file can be removed from MapCache). 
> There remains $172 in the MapServer budget this year that will be lost 
> at year end that could be put towards this migration. I'm happy to take 
> this task on, and would aim to complete it next week, or if anyone else 
> wants to tackle this prrior to year end I'm fine with that too. 
> I'll start with my +1,
> Seth
> --
> web:https://geographika.net & https://mapserverstudio.net
> twitter: @geographika

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