[MapServer-dev] Motion: upgrade documentation license version from CC BY-SA 3.0 to 4.0

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Mon Feb 6 06:31:57 PST 2023

Dear PSC,


Through recent clarifications made for the MapServer-documentation 
GitHub repository, as well as the visible 'copyright' page on 
mapserver.org, it was pointed out that the documentation uses an old CC 
BY-SA version, 3.0, that was released in 2007, whereas a more complete 
license version 4.0 has been available since 2013.

The CC BY-SA 4.0 license was released to tackle some issues such as:
  - international law / global scope
  - prevent copyleft trolls
    - to prevent: 
  - international translations of the license
  - improved readability
    - read more about "what's new" in the 4.0 series at 
    - read a short summary of the 4.0 license: 

I believe that this is a good time to upgrade the 
MapServer-documentation license to version 4.0

The Fedora project also recently upgraded from CC BY-SA 3.0 to 4.0 :
   - read about the benefits of upgrading, for the Fedora project: 
   - read about the Fedora announcement of the CC BY-SA 4.0 default 

Motion to the PSC

I therefore motion to the MapServer PSC that the MapServer-documentation 
license should be upgraded from CC BY-SA 3.0 to CC BY-SA 4.0

Motion voting window

Will give 5 business days for responses.

Related Pull Request



I believe this is good timing, to review the original documentation 
license, before the imminent MapServer 8.0.1 release.

Thank-you for your passion, to share,


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