[MapServer-dev] MapServer social media presence?

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Sun Sep 29 03:30:47 PDT 2024

> I'm not sure what instance would be best to set it up on. 
> @mastodon.social was the first one that worked for me (so it could be 
> @mapserver at fosstodon.org), but OSGeo is at @osgeo at fosstodon.org
yes @mapserver at fosstodon.org would make sense.
> Even - how do you manage https://mastodon.social/@gdal are there 
> several PSC members who have access/post?

In practice mostly me. I've shared access with another member recently 
(the boring way: sharing the same login&passwd. Didn't saw immediately 
if it would be possible to "attach" an account to a personal one)

My software is free, but my time generally not.
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