Question from a new user

Stephen Lime steve.lime at
Mon Aug 2 08:20:47 PDT 1999

Piero: Sort of. You can do the query and center part real easy. Placing the
symbol can't be done yet. To do that you'd need the ability to define features
as part of a URL and that's not available in 3.2x. It is a planned for version
3.3. Really wouldn't be too big a hack to add it, but it will be much easier in
the new version (hopefully this month).


Stephen Lime
Internet Applications Analyst
MIS Bureau - MN DNR

(651) 297-2937
steve.lime at

>>> Pierluigi Vittori <piero at> 07/31 2:10 PM >>>
Hi all!
I have been using mapserver for a few days and have discovered how good it
I am no GIS expert nor have I looked in depth into all mapserver features and
source code so it might be that my question is a simple matter of RTFM :))
I would like to perform a text search in the dbf file (i.e. for a specific
street in the map) and consequently center a new map on such a street together
with a symbol placed on it.
My question is: is it possible to do this with the present version of
mapserver? Do I need any extra coding?

Thanks in advance for your help.


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