Version 3.3 wish list...

Stephen Lime steve.lime at
Tue Jun 29 10:52:22 PDT 1999

Stephen Lime
Internet Applications Analyst
MIS Bureau - MN DNR

(651) 297-2937
steve.lime at

>>> Cameron Shorter <camerons at> 06/28 3:58 PM >>>
>* How about a version option, so you can query a mapserv package and
>determine what version it is running.

A comment is written to the top of each page the mapserver produces that
does give the version. I'll add code that produces this when no query is sent
as well. (eg. http://.../cgi-bin/mapserv with no params)

>* I'm also want an operator on the host to be able to enter a map feature,
>post it to mapserv, and for mapserv to add it into an existing map on the
>server.  This probably involves using Java on the host machine.  I'm
>prepared to help code this.

I'm all for this, but would prefer so build this as a separate application. MapServer
would still handle the map drawing but answering the add, delete and edit requests
would be handled by a second specialty app. Java would be necessary for coordinate
capture. Client would be the tricky part, code to do the deletes, adds etc. already
exixsts (minus the file locking etc.).

>Cameron Shorter
>61.2.9901-1596 work.


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