Version 3.3 wish list...
Stephen Lime
steve.lime at
Tue Jun 29 11:00:18 PDT 1999
Rotated labels for lines is on the todo. Real basic support is pretty
trivial. As pointed out in earlier messages to the list, the angle is
already be calculated.
The custom annotation you mention can already be done. You can
create layers that contain image coordinates rather than map coordinates.
There is a option called TRANSFORM, that when set to FALSE tells
the code not to convert the coordinates to image coordinates but rather
to leave them alone. This results in features that always appear in the
same spot in the map. You must create the shapefile (this will be real
easy in 3.3 with embedded features) yourself. I use the scripts in the
shapelib directory to do this. Then do something like:
NAME copyright
DATA cpyrght
COLOR -1 -1 -1 # dummy color
TEXT "Copyright 1999 University of Minnesota"
Remember the graphics file origin is the upper lefthand corner while map
coordinate systems use the lower lefthand corner.
Stephen Lime
Internet Applications Analyst
MIS Bureau - MN DNR
(651) 297-2937
steve.lime at
>>> "Grzegorz Myrda" <mapadm at> 06/29 5:51 AM >>>
I think adding features on-line as suggested by Cameron can be
done without Java, only for point objects. After selecting
mode=ADD and clicking on the map, new feature would be added
to the specified layer.
Thanks to avoiding Java it would be still low-requirements system.
However adding line and polygon features would really need Java
and much of work.
And what about line features labels rotated by angle calculated
from line angle ?
Also one Map object parameter may be added to mapfile, called
Description or somehow, to display any fixed text at the bootom of
the map picture (map copyrights or something).
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