Tiling maps

Stephen Lime steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Tue Oct 12 10:25:07 EDT 1999

That's where the tiling comes in. You need a county index shapefile. The
index is just a normal shapefile with a attribute called "location" that contains
the path to the directory that contains data for that tile. The path can be a
full path (eg. starts with /) or it can be relative to the location of the mapfile.
(I think that's correct) To enable tiling you simply use the INDEX keyword
(followed by the index shapefile name) in a layer section.

The MapServer uses the index to figure out which tiles to process. Then, each
one is processed in turn as if it was a single shapefile. Only drag is that tiled
layers are not searchable yet.

A number of MapServer users are using this feature and are in a position to
comment about specific problems you might run in to.


Stephen Lime
Internet Applications Analyst
MIS Bureau - MN DNR

(651) 297-2937
steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us

>>> "Paul G. Allen" <pgallen at randomlogic.com> 10/11 5:24 PM >>>
I am ready to tile maps but I'm not sure how to do this. I have fairly good data
for the entire US, separated by county. What I want to do is to be able to
display a map of any size from a single county to several counties, possibly an
entire state. My question is, how would I display two adjacent counties as a
single map?


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