Proposed modifyshp interface

Cameron Shorter cshorter at
Sat Sep 4 00:54:54 PDT 1999

I'm planning to add a new mapserver utility.  The spec I propose is below. 
Any comments before I start coding?

shpmodify layer=layer_name
          [coord=(x,y) [,(x,y)...]
          [field_name=field_value field_name=field_value...]

  layer_name       : Name of layer to be added to.  If no layer is supplied
                     then an error will be returned.
  number           : Number of the record to be modified.  If record_number is
                     not supplied then a new record will be added.
  valid_field_name : If a record is to be modified, and the new record has
                     more coordinate points than the previous record, and
                     hence cannot fit into the record space then a new record
                     will need to be created and added to the end of the
                     database. The old record will become invalid. 
                     valid_field_name is the name of a boolean field which
                     will be set invalid (FALSE) if the old record becomes

Cameron Shorter.

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