mapserver wishes

Doug Nebert ddnebert at
Tue Sep 21 11:31:43 PDT 1999

There are two mapserver functions that would be quite handy for me:

Near future:
1. A CSV-file-to-indexed-shapefile generator for point data.
I have a table with with coordinates, can make a comma delimited 
file with some text and coordinate fields. Don't want to have to 
use ArcView on-the-fly... Surely there are utilities lying about!

Further future:
2. The ability to request points, lines or areas pushed onto a 
delivered raster map from a client request. Example: I have a 
basemap but would like two rectangles drawn on it in the GIF. Folks 
may wish to push a point with text, too ("my house"). It could be 
structured into the GET request:


where the parens delimit a coordinate set of edges, a color triplet, 
a centered text string, and a bounding line width in pixels. Other 
possible types:


Multiple draw features could be permitted drawn in order of 

Douglas D. Nebert
Clearinghouse Coordinator 
FGDC Secretariat	Phone: +1 703 648 4151	Fax: +1 703 648-5755

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