Error compiling mapserv3.3.010 for NT

Rob Atkinson rob at
Fri Apr 7 15:21:20 PDT 2000

> I compiled 3.3.010 in both gd-1.2 and gd-1.8.1 without much hassle.  If
> anyone need binaries for either GIF or PNG mapserver output, let me know and
> I'll provide a URL to these binaries.

It would be good to get these binaries if possible - it'll save some time for
sure. I'm also very interested in any comparisons you have regarding speed and
output file sizes for GIF vs PNG, with each of vector and raster data sources.

Rob Atkinson                        Email: rob at
Social Change Online         Mob: 0419 202 973
6A Nelson Street                       Tel: +61 (0) 2 9557 6500
Annandale NSW 2038                     Fax: +61 (0) 2 9519 8940
Sydney, Australia       WWW:

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