[Freetype] need help installing True Type Fonts

Brian Johnson bjohnson at jecinc.on.ca
Wed Dec 6 13:53:58 PST 2000

For anyone who is following my battle with Freetype:

I am now trying to use Freetype 2.0 with Slackware Linux 7.0

The mapserver (mapserver.gis.umn.edu) ./configure script is looking for a
file called libttf.so

However, the freetype make does not create this file - could it possibly be
the libfreetype.so file?

It also is not created in the directories that the mapserver
(mapserver.gis.umn.edu) ./configure script is looking for the libttf.so file
(it is created in /freetype-2.0/obj/.libs and /usr/local/lib)

Am I onto something here?

What should I do now?

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