MapServer and SDE

Stephen Lime steve.lime at
Mon Dec 11 10:04:02 PST 2000

I'm in the midst of some low level changes to enable SDE and OGR
queries. This will also facilitate OGIS WMT compliance. SDE annotation
layers are not ready, nor is projection. EXPRESSIONS are supported
and are essentially SQL where clauses. They are not the same as normal
MapServer EXPRESSIONS. I figured why not take advantage of what
SDE brings to the table in this case. Basic labeling also should work, the only
exception is that label expressions (eg. ([PARKNAME] State Park)) do not
(and never will since they can be handled via SQL.


Stephen Lime
Internet Applications Analyst

Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

>>> John Hockaday <johnh at> 12/10/00 06:30PM >>>
Hi Chris,

I tried to use mapserv with SDE 3.0.2 but I had no sucess.  I did
however manage to compile it using SDE 8.0.2 and Oracle 8.i.

Most things work except EXPRESSIONS, LABELS and ANNOTATION though I am
only using mapserv version 3.3.011. Version 3.3.012 may have fixed
these problems.

I hope that this helps.


> Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 14:25:25 -0500
> From: Chris Barber <barberc at>
> X-Accept-Language: en
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> To: mapserver-users at 
> Subject: MapServer and SDE
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Howdy.
> Has anyone successfully built MapServer with support for ESRI's SDE 3.0.2
> for Oracle on an IRIX system??  'make' bails out on me when building the
> 'shp2img' binary.  Some additional info that might be useful in helping
> to point me in the right direction (hopefully):
> IRIX: 6.5.9m
> Oracle: 8.0.5
> SDE: 3.0.2
> gcc: 2.95.2
> My 'configure':  "./configure --with-sde=/net/gis/sde/sdeexe302"
> (bare bones for now til I can make SDE work)
> On a unrelated note, anybody know if the PHP MapScript module can
> be compiled/used with PHP4?
> TIA,
> \Chris
> -- 
> __________________________________________________
> Christopher P. Barber
> GIS/RS Specialist, Unix Systems Management
> Basic Science & Remote Sensing Initiative
> Dept. of Geography, Michigan State Univ.
> Rm. 210 Manly Miles Bldg.
> 1405 S. Harrison Road 
> East Lansing, MI 48823-5243
> 517.432.1883  Phone
> 517.353.2932  FAX
> barberc at 

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