mapserv controls

Stephen Lime steve.lime at
Tue Dec 12 12:23:58 PST 2000

You can't use checkbox/radio button syntax with hidden variables. You need something like:

<input type="radio" name="zoomdir" value="1" [zoomdir_1_check]> zoom in<br>
<input type="radio" name="zoomdir" value="0" [zoomdir_0_check]> pan<br>
<input type="radio" name="zoomdir" value="-1" [zoomdir_-1_check]> zoom out<br>

If you really want a hidden variable to hold zoomdir which is set somewhere else, presumably
an initialization script use something like:

<input type="hidden" name="zoomdir" value="[zoomdir]">


Stephen Lime
Internet Applications Analyst

Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

>>> Michael Hearne <Michael.Hearne at> 12/12/00 01:24PM >>>
I have what should be an easy question (but apparently not for me):

When working with the mapserv cgi, how do you set the "zoom in,zoom out,
pan" radio button to default to something other than "Pan"?

Here's what I have in my initial HTML file:

<input type="hidden" name="layer" value="layer1">
<input type="hidden" name="layer" value="layer2">
<input type="hidden" name="zoomdir" value=1 [zoomdir_1_check]>
<input type="hidden" name="zoomsize" value=2>

This defaults to "Pan", where I intended it to come up as "Zoom In". 
Any suggestions?

Michael G. Hearne     	  	email: Michael.Hearne at  
Coastal Remote Sensing  		phone: 843 740-1281             
TPMC/NOAA Coastal Services Center	fax:   843 740-1312       
2234 S. Hobson Ave.,    Charleston, SC 29407

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