Some little questions!!

Fawcett, David david.fawcett at
Thu Jul 13 10:43:17 EDT 2000

It sounds like you would like a static legend for your map.  

If this is the case, zoom in on your map until the legend looks good.  Click on the image that contains the legend.  It will have a long name, something like "myapplication2556330.gif".  Save it to the directory that contains your application, and give it a more reasonable name.

In main template file for your application, instead of referring to your legend like this:
<center><img src="[legend]"></center>

Point directly to the image that you just saved to your server, like this:
<center><img src="/mydirectory/myapplication/myimage.gif"></center>

If you want to, you can also get fancy and pull the image into Photoshop to clean it up and make it prettier.

I hope that this helps, 


> ----------
> From: 	aborruso at[SMTP:aborruso at]
> Sent: 	Thursday, July 13, 2000 4:13 AM
> To: 	mapserver-users at
> Subject: 	Some little questions!!
> Dear users,
> I have for you some little question:
> - Is it possible to point to the label of an object (in example not to a
> point) to go toward an URL?
> - I have a  point layer with   SYMBOLSCALE 200000, MINSIZE 6, MAXSIZE 14
> and I would not that the relate symbol in the legend becomes more or less
> big when I zoom in or out. How can I do?
> Thank you very much,
> Andrea

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