http vars

Zolla Michalak michalak at
Thu Jul 27 13:39:44 EDT 2000

This may be a stupid question. Let me know if I'm making this more
difficult than it needs to be.

Can someone please tell me how mapserver is able to grab name-value pairs
in the HTML form with the same name and different values (i.e. name=layer
value=snotel, name=layer value=rtg) without overwriting the first value
with the second value? If you can tell me which file the code is in, I'll
go look it up. 

I am trying to write a perl script for my map application that will do the
same thing. I need to pass name-vals for a set of variables that have a
different value for each record in the database. 

Here's a simplified picture of what I'm doing:

name = recordNumber  	value = 1
name = state		value = AZ
name = county 		value = Pima

name= recordNumber 	value = 2
name = state 		value = WY
name = county 		value = George


I want to be able to send these through cgi without having the record 2
values overwrite the record 1 values, and so on. And all I need to do is
print them out. 

   Zolla Michalak
   Support Systems Analyst
   HWR, University of Arizona

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