http vars

Zolla Michalak michalak at
Fri Jul 28 12:43:36 EDT 2000

ok. I've decided to instead try to append the record number [rn] to the
name, so that each variable has a unique name. Now I'm just trying to
figure out how to access the [rn] varaible, or at least some way I can
loop through the different records in the dbf file. Sounds easier than it
   Zolla Michalak
   Support Systems Analyst
   HWR, University of Arizona

On Fri, 28 Jul 2000, Stephen Lime wrote:

> MapServers itemquery kinda sucks. You can have only one item, but with multiple
> values (i.e. name=county value=Pima value=George). Anything more sophisticated
> should be handled using another mechanism in conjunction with MapScript. The XBase
> module for Perl is far better than anything I could write so I've deffered to it and other
> tools instead of bulking out itemquery.
> Steve
> Stephen Lime
> Internet Applications Analyst
> Minnesota DNR
> 500 Lafayette Road
> St. Paul, MN 55155
> 651-297-2937
> >>> Zolla Michalak <michalak at> 07/27/00 12:39PM >>>
> This may be a stupid question. Let me know if I'm making this more
> difficult than it needs to be.
> Can someone please tell me how mapserver is able to grab name-value pairs
> in the HTML form with the same name and different values (i.e. name=layer
> value=snotel, name=layer value=rtg) without overwriting the first value
> with the second value? If you can tell me which file the code is in, I'll
> go look it up. 
> I am trying to write a perl script for my map application that will do the
> same thing. I need to pass name-vals for a set of variables that have a
> different value for each record in the database. 
> Here's a simplified picture of what I'm doing:
> name = recordNumber  	value = 1
> name = state		value = AZ
> name = county 		value = Pima
> name= recordNumber 	value = 2
> name = state 		value = WY
> name = county 		value = George
> etc...
> I want to be able to send these through cgi without having the record 2
> values overwrite the record 1 values, and so on. And all I need to do is
> print them out. 
> Thanks!
> *************************************
>    Zolla Michalak
>    Support Systems Analyst
>    HWR, University of Arizona
> ************************************* 

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