
Andrea Goethals andreag at
Thu Mar 9 11:25:55 PST 2000

For those of you considering using the latest version
of GD, maybe you will have better luck with it than
I did. Even after changing all the Makefiles to reflect
the newer version of GD, it still wouldn't work.
I was getting an error that it couldn't find jinclude.h
I did some searching to find out what jinclude.h could
be, and my best guess is that it has to do with jpegs.
I made sure I had the latest jpeg and libjpeg libraries,
but it didn't help.

GD-1.8 requires a few more libraries, but making sure
I had the latest of each didn't help.

I finally switched it back to GD-1.2 and had no problems.

If any of you are going to use a version of GD other than
1.2 note that there are 2 places further down in the 
ms_3.3.008/Makefile where "GD-1.2" is hardcoded in.
So change the version there as well as in the top part.

| Andrea Goethals             GeoPlan Center        |
| andreag at     University of Florida |
| Web and Graphics Manager    431 Architecture Bldg |
|  P.O. Box 115706       |
| Phone: (352)392-2351        Gainesville, FL 32611 |
| Fax:(352)392-3308                                 |

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