
Stephen Lime steve.lime at
Thu Mar 9 11:45:03 PST 2000

The latest version of GD I had tried was 1.7.3. The jpeg stuff
is brand new. MapServer won't use it anyway cause at the
moment there is no way to toggle between PNG, JPG or BMP
output with the new version. I imagine you could compile
GD without JPEG support and it would probably work. I'll
try it at home.

Note: You don't have to edit any additional references in 
the Makefile to gd-1.2. Those references are to build and
clean up the 1.2 directory. If you want comment out the
line "MAKE_GD" to prevent it from being built. Otherwise
those other lines are harmless. In other words, only edit
lines in the GD section in the Makefile and the gdft/Makefile.


Stephen Lime
Internet Applications Analyst

Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

>>> Andrea Goethals <andreag at> 03/09/00 01:25PM >>>
For those of you considering using the latest version
of GD, maybe you will have better luck with it than
I did. Even after changing all the Makefiles to reflect
the newer version of GD, it still wouldn't work.
I was getting an error that it couldn't find jinclude.h
I did some searching to find out what jinclude.h could
be, and my best guess is that it has to do with jpegs.
I made sure I had the latest jpeg and libjpeg libraries,
but it didn't help.

GD-1.8 requires a few more libraries, but making sure
I had the latest of each didn't help.

I finally switched it back to GD-1.2 and had no problems.

If any of you are going to use a version of GD other than
1.2 note that there are 2 places further down in the 
ms_3.3.008/Makefile where "GD-1.2" is hardcoded in.
So change the version there as well as in the top part.

| Andrea Goethals             GeoPlan Center        |
| andreag at     University of Florida |
| Web and Graphics Manager    431 Architecture Bldg |
|  P.O. Box 115706       |
| Phone: (352)392-2351        Gainesville, FL 32611 |
| Fax:(352)392-3308                                 |

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