Java "mapplet" and png image format

Stephen Lime steve.lime at
Tue May 2 11:41:25 EDT 2000

Um, I don't know. I'm not a hardcore java programmer and know just enough 
to be dangerous. Looking through the PNG programming resources there are
a number of options. Current mapplet is 1.2 although it can be modified to work
with jdk 1.1. (can't keep the friggin version straight in my mind) 

Seems some folks aren't to thrilled with Sun's image loaders. Here's a java library
to use as a replacement. Supports PNG.


JIMI looks to be dead since Sun bought the company. Which leaves JAI, which 
appears to be in a state of flux too given what 1.3 is supposed to support.

I think I'd try the first link and see if it will build for you. I'll try here too.


Stephen Lime
Internet Applications Analyst

Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

>>> "Vogler, Dan SAJ" <Dan.Vogler at> 05/01/00 03:40PM >>>
I appreciate the posting of the mapplet java class. I believe it is a real
step forward for client interactivity.  We are trying to implement it with
png file support and are having problems (the main one being lack of Java
expertise).  Do I have to write a customized encoder/decoder with JIMI
(works with JDK 1.1) or do I need to try and make the applet plug into the
Java Advanced Imaging API I/O?  Need a point in the right direction.

Dan in JAX

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