May 2000 Archives by subject
Starting: Mon May 1 13:40:21 PDT 2000
Ending: Wed May 31 15:37:05 PDT 2000
Messages: 128
- [Fwd: PHP Module (was: drawing on top of maps)]
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] unsubscribe
Victor Bulzgis
- ^M in files ACK! [Re: loadForm(): Regular expression error]
- ^M in files ACK! [Re: loadForm(): Regular expression error]
Chris D. Faulhaber
- Can't get results from querying line shapefiles
John Hockaday
- client-side image-maps
John Carlson
- client-side image-maps
Rob Atkinson
- client-side image-maps
Stephen Lime
- client-side image-maps
John Carlson
- compilation error: undefined reference to `dgettext'
- demo error: msLoadMap(): Unknown identifier. (LABELOVERLAP):(14)
- demo sites
- drawing on top of maps
John Carlson
- DTD and fixed XML example for map file
Doug Nebert
- Fwd: php3 mapscript module
- How to zoom to place names
Doug Nebert
- How to zoom to place names
Rob Chavez
- How to zoom to place names
Stephen Lime
- How to zoom to place names
Joel Schlagel
- How to zoom to place names
Rob Atkinson
- Java "mapplet" and png image format
Vogler, Dan SAJ
- Java "mapplet" and png image format
Stephen Lime
- Java code...
- Java code...
imap at
- join dbf item
Phisan Santitamnont
- join dbf item
Stephen Lime
- join dbf item
Phisan Santitamnont
- legendObj_size_get
Zolla Michalak
- legendObj_size_get
Zolla Michalak
- legendObj_size_get
Zolla Michalak
- loadForm(): Regular expression error
- loadForm(): Regular expression error
Daniel Morissette
- loadForm(): Regular expression error
- loadForm(): Regular expression error
Marcio Augusto Stocco
- making the server
- making the server
John Hockaday
- making the server
Stephen Lime
- making the server
- making the server
Daniel Morissette
- making the server
Trevor Banister
- making the server
Stephen Lime
- making the server
Daniel Morissette
- map like this
- map like this
Stephen Lime
- map like this
Bisher Imam
- map like this
- map like this
Stephen Lime
- Mapscript- parse exception
Grzegorz Myrda
- mapscript Perl module
Zolla Michalak
- mapscript Perl module
Daniel Morissette
- mapscript query question
Paul Cameron
- mapscript query question
Peter deVoil
- mapscript query question
Stephen Lime
- mapscript query question
Paul Cameron
- MapScript Shapefile Object
Chris Fuhrman
- MapScript Shapefile Object
Daniel Morissette
- MapScript Shapefile Object
Chris Fuhrman
- MapScript Shapefile Object
Chris Fuhrman
- MapScript Shapefile Object
Daniel Morissette
- MapScript Shapefile Object
Stephen Lime
- Mapserv accessing SDE
John Hockaday
- Mapserv accessing SDE
Stephen Lime
- MapServer and OGC WMT specs
Daniel Morissette
- MapServer and OGC WMT specs
Sullivan, James R.
- MapServer and OGC WMT specs
Stephen Lime
- MapServer and OGC WMT specs
Rob Atkinson
- MapServer and OGC WMT specs
Stephen Lime
- MapServer and XML...
Stephen Lime
- MapServer and XML...
Doug Nebert
- MapServer and XML...
imap at
- MapServer and XML...
Doug Nebert
- MapServer and XML...
Stephen Lime
- MapServer and XML...
Doug Nebert
- MapServer and XML...
John Hockaday
- Mapserver Licence
Bernd Nierula
- Mapserver Licence
Stephen Lime
- Mapserver Licence
Jan-Oliver Wagner
- Mapserver Licence
Daniel Morissette
- MapServer w/ SDE
- MapServer w/ SDE
Stephen Lime
- Modification: Points, Lines, and Polygons - Dynamically???
Joel Anderson
- Modification: Points, Lines, and Polygons - Dynamically???
Stephen Lime
- national character sets
kafka at
- national character sets
- No Results Searching MapServer List
Vatsavai Ranga Raju
- No subject
Štěpán Kafka
- Now MS becomes famous !
Marc Jacquin
- OpenGIS Simple Features and other Specs
Doug Nebert
- Optimizing Data Base for GeoData
Chris Fuhrman
- Optimizing Data Base for GeoData
Doug Nebert
- Optimizing Data Base for GeoData
John Millard
- Optimizing Data Base for GeoData
Chris Fuhrman
- Optimizing Data Base for GeoData
Robert Chavez
- Passing a gdImagePtrPtr type
Chris Fuhrman
- php3 mapscript module
- PHP Module (was: drawing on top of maps)
Daniel Morissette
- PHP Module (was: drawing on top of maps)
Daniel Morissette
- Points, Lines, and Polygons - Dynamically???
Joel Anderson
- Poll for learning internet programming
bfischer at
- prevent [img] from being created
Berend Veldkamp
- problem installing mapscript
Tim.Mackey at
- problem installing mapscript
Stephen Lime
- problem with fonts and demos
Marcio Augusto Stocco
- problem with fonts and demos
- problem with fonts and demos
Marcio Augusto Stocco
- queryByPoint
Zolla Michalak
- queryByPoint/Error found in MapServer documentation
Zolla Michalak
- Query command without redraw/repositioning of the map
Bernd Nierula
- Query command without redraw/repositioning of the map
Stephen Lime
- remove temp files
Berend Veldkamp
- remove temp files
- remove temp files
Berend Veldkamp
- remove temp files
Stephen Lime
- remove temp files
bfischer at
- remove temp files
Jim T. Bowen (GAIA Consultants Inc.)
- Remove temp files on NT (RE: remove temp files)
Trevor Banister
- search, marker, label - how?
- search, marker, label - how?
bfischer at
- search, marker, label - how?
Stephen Lime
- search, marker, label - how?
- Shpindex
Stephen Lime
- Tiled data
- Tiled data
Stephen Lime
- trouble with libtiff
- Trying to implement an identify tool
bfischer at
- Trying to implement an identify tool
Daniel Morissette
- Trying to implement an identify tool
Stephen Lime
- where is ms_demo dir
Last message date:
Wed May 31 15:37:05 PDT 2000
Archived on: Mon Oct 7 06:01:59 PDT 2024
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).