MapScript Shapefile Object
Chris Fuhrman
cfuhrman at
Tue May 9 07:59:54 PDT 2000
I'm presently using Perl/Mapscript to connect to a remote database,
retrieve coordinate data, generate a shapefile, and then, from the
shapefile, generate an image.
What I'm having problems with is that I'm generating the shapefiles okay,
but when I look in the shapefile object, the numshapes attribute is set to
zero which means I can't iterate through it to draw all it's shapes.
According to the documentation, numshapes is a read-only attribute so I
assumed it would be updated automatically.
Here's some sample code (paraphrased :)
foreach $layername (@layers) {
print "Generating $layername\n";
$sth->execute(uc $layername);
($layer_id, $type) = $sth->fetchrow();
print " Generating shapefile\n";
# This returns a ShapefileObj
$shapefile = GenShapefile($dbh,
print "Getting layer";
$layer = $map->getLayerByName($layername);
for ($i=0; $i<$shapefile->{numshapes}; $i++) {
print ".";
$class = new classObj($layer);
$shapefile->get($i, $shape);
$shape->draw($map, $layer, $img, $class, "An object");
} # for ($i=0; $i<$shapefile->{numshapes}; $i++)
print "\n";
undef $shapefile;
} # foreach $layername (@layers) {
print "Saving image\n";
mapscript::msSaveImage($img, "temp.png", 1, 1);
My question is that is $shapefile->{numshapes} supposed to be updated
automatically or do I have to keep track of it myself?
I am using version 3.3.010 of MapScript with GD 1.7.3 compiled in.
Chris Fuhrman | Twenty First Century Communications
cfuhrman at | Software Engineer
(W) 614-442-1215 x271 |
(F) 614-442-5662 | PGP/GPG Public Key Available on Request
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