MapServer and OGC WMT specs

Rob Atkinson rob at
Thu May 4 17:22:26 EDT 2000


the perl wrapper is workable but needs some work.

also JRC in Italy have built a mapscript version using WMS 0.1 - this is trivial
to update to WMS 1.0. Its at the same level of complexity.
I have mapserv and the wrapper running on UNIX and NT - in fact its all running
under W98 on my laptop.

TODO #1: We need to build a GML response to getFeatureInfo query - GML issues
are being thrashed out now - this should be easy enough to do.

TODO #2: The big issue is CGI control over projection - I've yet to see a
working example of the syntax and havent had time to reverse engineer the code
to try. The script will have to map EPSG codes into mapserver (PROJ 4)

TODO #3: we ought to give it the ability to parse the .map file and build the
capabilities XML automatically.

The wrapper can run on any web server - so we dont need to have access to the
actual installation to make it WMS compliant - however to parse the map file we
would. Any ideas how best to overcome that?

Rob Atkinson

"Sullivan, James R." wrote:

> I would be interested in the answer to this question, too.  Besides the
> capabilities XML file, have there been any more XML DTD's, etc produced for
> Mapserver?
> Jim Sullivan
>         -----Original Message-----
>         From:   Daniel Morissette [SMTP:danmo at]
>         Sent:   Wednesday, May 03, 2000 2:57 PM
>         To:     mapserver-users
>         Cc:     ddnebert at
>         Subject:        MapServer and OGC WMT specs
>         Hi,
>         We have a client that wants to setup a network of satellite servers
>         based on MapServer and compliant with the OGC-WMT specs.  I know
> that a
>         little while ago, Doug Nebert made available a first version of an
>         OGC-WMT wrapper for MapServer written in MapScript.  I haven't given
>         this wrapper a try yet, but I would be interested in hearing the
> status
>         of that project and any other effort that might be happening on that
>         front... I would rather spend my time improving (and promoting) an
>         existing solution than start another one from scratch.
>         Also, since Doug's wrapper uses Perl, and our client wants to use
> some
>         WinNT servers, I would be interested in hearing from groups that
> have
>         succesfully used the Perl version of MapScript on Win NT.  I am
> already
>         familiar with compiling, installing and using MapServer on NT, but I
>         haven't used Perl on NT myself, so I am looking for hints on the
> best
>         Perl solution with Apache on WinNT, and also any MapScript
> compilation
>         and setup issues, if any... etc.
>         Thanks,
>         --
>         ------------------------------------------------------------
>          Daniel Morissette                       danmo at
>         ------------------------------------------------------------
>           Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if
>               you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow.
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