mapscript Perl module

Zolla Michalak michalak at
Tue May 30 12:57:38 EDT 2000

I am using mapserver 3.3 and the mapscript Perl module. 

My perl program will not run with mapscript when I open it from a web
browser. It is in the cgi-bin and runs from the web without problem until
I add the line "use mapscript;" where it dies with an internal server

The same program DOES work with mapscript when compiled and run from UNIX,
just not from the web. It think this might be a library path problem.
Before compiling in UNIX, I have to give it this command: setenv
LD_LIBRARY_PATH /local/tiff-3.4/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH. I tried setting the
path in my .login file, but that didn't seem to help. I might have the
syntax wrong though. Here is the setenv line from my .login file: setenv
LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/lib:/usr/local/lib:/local/tiff-3.4/lib

Any suggestions?

Thanks -zm

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