MapServer w/ SDE

Stephen Lime steve.lime at
Wed May 31 14:29:47 EDT 2000

Hmmm... Thought I replied to this last week. SDE support is not there yet. I have it connecting
and retrieving features but haven't had time to move past that yet. There's no way solaris libs 
will work on linux so it's not worth messing with. You'd be better off spending time bugging ESRI
and getting them to port enough of the SDE API to linux to build clients.


Stephen Lime
Internet Applications Analyst

Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

>>> RAldridge <RAldridge at> 05/31/00 11:55AM >>>
Anyone using MapServer to serve up SDE data yet?

We have an SDE for Oracle server set up with some of our data to test performance.  My MapServer is set up on a Mandrake 7.0 / Apache system.  Since the SDE client libraries and includes don't exist for Linux (yet :)), I compiled MapServer with SDE enabled using the Solaris libraries and includes.  It compiled fine and the MapServer works just as before when accessing shapefiles.  I have no idea if it's going to work with SDE (since I used the Solaris includes and libraries), but I'd like to test it.  Problem is, I don't know the correct syntax to include in my *.map file to access the SDE data.

Any hints?


Robert Aldridge
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