
Stephen Lime steve.lime at
Thu May 25 13:16:10 EDT 2000

Shpindex is obsolete and was replaced by shptree. I kept the code for
completeness should I need it again.


Stephen Lime
Internet Applications Analyst

Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

>>> Gjermund Hanssen <gah at> 05/25/00 07:21AM >>>
Hi !

I'm trying to increase speed to my shape-datasets. First i tried the
utility shptree with default value(8). The result was 50% time
reduction. Now i'm trying out shpindex. It takes some time and results
with insertNode(): Memory allocation error.

shpindex dmk_dekning 1000 1000

kb    Dataset
285    dmk_dekning.dbf
72    dmk_dekning.qix
3644796    dmk_dekning.shp
140    dmk_dekning.shx

The dataset covers the landarea of Norway

Does somebody have any idea ?


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