problem with fonts and demos

Marcio Augusto Stocco stocco at
Thu May 25 10:08:24 EDT 2000


I installed MapServer 3.2 and the 3.2 Demo, and it works ok, but doesn't
draw the city names. 

I've downloaded some free true type fonts from the web, and put them in
/usr/apps/mapserv/symbols/fonts. Then, I modified the font directory name
in the mapserv.ini file. After that, I wrote two diferent fonts.list file,
because the README statement doesn't match the example file.
Unfortunatelly, neither worked.

After the message about the 3.3 demo, I decided to upgrade. But now, I
can't even get the first map. When initializing, mapserv displays the
following error message:

msLoadSymbolFile(): Unknown identifier. ():(0)

Any clue will help.

Thanks in advance,

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