Modification: Points, Lines, and Polygons - Dynamically???

Stephen Lime steve.lime at
Fri May 19 10:10:34 EDT 2000

There is some documentation for this in the CGI reference on the website, way at the bottom. The example is for a point but can be used for lines and polygons. Only difference is that the list of points is longer (remember closure for polys). How you populate the CGI vars is up to you.


<<< Joel Anderson <joela at>  5/18  8:24p >>>

Sorry all, I should have also qualified my question by asking: is this
available in the CGI interface, as I have wrapped the rest of my app around
that. Apologies!

Thanks Again!


Previous message follows:

> Hi!
> Maybe I've completely missed this in the docs somewhere, but does anyone
> know if there is an option for drawing points, lines, and polygons on the
> maps dynamically (ie: using input from the web browser/java
> applet)? If so,
> is there any example code anyone would like to share?
> Joel
> Joel Anderson
> Systems Engineer/Developer
> EarthScan Network, Inc
> joela at

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