Projection support for SDE, images, ...

Haavard Tveite havard.tveite at
Fri Nov 3 05:35:38 PST 2000

Two questions:

1) How far has the work on supporting projections for SDE
   The last "nightly" I checked (oct. 25th) had no trace
   of projection support in the mapsde.c file.
   It would be *very* useful to have this available also
   for SDE (not only for shapefiles), particularly for us
   living considerably closer to the north pole than to
   the equator!

2) Is there, or are there plans for, projection support
   for images (could be useful for orthophotos)?

Håvard Tveite                      Phone:  +47 64948857
Department of Mapping Sciences     Fax:    +47 64948856
Agricultural University of Norway
POBox 5034, N-1432 Ås, NORWAY

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