php4 / mapscript problem

Tim and Marcelle Sutton tim at
Tue Nov 7 13:57:23 PST 2000

Hi all

I managed to get the nightly build to compile under RH7 / PHP4. Thanks for 
the help Daniel and Berend ! I am busy trying to get my php3/mapscript 
project working under php4/mapscript. I compiled using GD1.8.x. When I load 
the map page I get the error below:
<IMG SRC=../tmp/97363367510562.png>
<b>Fatal error</b>:  Object has an invalid _handle_ property in 
<b>/home/suttont/public_html/Mapserver/cnc/cnc.php3</b> on line <b>145</b><br>

The relevant lines in the .php source is included here:

    140 // Make and place a legend object on the page
    141     $img = $map->drawLegend();
    142     $url = $img->saveWebImage(1, 0, 0, 65);
    143     printf("<IMG SRC=%s>\n", $url);
    144 // Make and place an overview Map
    145     $img = $map->drawReferenceMap();
    146     $url = $img->saveWebImage(1, 0, 0, 65);
    147     printf("<IMG SRC=%s>\n", $url);
    148 // Show the scale in words
    149     $scale = floor($map->scale);
    150     echo ("1:$scale<br>");
    151 // Make and place a scale bar on the page
    152     $img = $map->drawScaleBar();
    153     $url = $img->saveWebImage(1, 0, 0, 65);
    154     printf("<IMG SRC=%s>\n", $url);
    155     echo ("</td></tr></table>\n");      

Can anyone give me any hints as to what the problem may be?

Many thanks,


tim @

Look before you leap.
		-- Samuel Butler

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