Rotating text labels for a street map

Berend Veldkamp berend.veldkamp at
Wed Nov 8 08:43:10 PST 2000

I haven't found the 'ANGLE auto' in the documentation either, but it does work.
If you have compiled with TT support.


Brian Johnson wrote:

> As always, I research my problems by searching the archives, but I can't
> find the answer to this.
> I'm trying to get text labels to rotate to match the lines they are
> associated with - I've found  examples of using ANGLE AUTO in the LABEL
> section of the mapfile but there isn't any refernence to it in the map file
> documentation.
> I'm wondering if my problem is that I didn't compile in support for TruType
> fonts.
> Do I need to complile in TrueType fonts to use auto angle or has that
> feature been dropped?
> I tried to check other pages (including the freetype web page) but couldn't
> find any reference to rotating text.


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