PHP, MySQL, and points!

Daniel Morissette morissette at
Tue Oct 31 12:15:25 PST 2000

Frederic Marchand wrote:
> Since i start playing with ms, i've got projection, zoom-in, zoom-out and
> other stuff working on most of maps i've got. But now, i would like to put
> point (like red dot) on the map where my lat,long coord are stored in
> mysql db. I know i can put point using the feature command directly from
> the map file but i would like to know how to create those point directly
> from PHP. I tried to use the object pointObj with the draw functions, but
> in PHP3 module, draw don't exist and in PHP4, where draw is there, there
> is no SHADESET support (as MARKERSET and LINESET).

There are a couple ways to do it:

1- Using pointObj->draw() as you suggested above.
   For how to convert your symbol file from 3.3.011 format to the new
   format, see:

2- For best performance in rendering and spatial queries: Convert all
   your points to a shapefile... MapServer works very well with 

3- Assuming that you don't display all 110000 points all the time,
   but instead run an initial SQL query to pre-select a set of points 
   to play with based on some client selections, then see:

Good Luck!
 Daniel Morissette             morissette at
  Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if 
      you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow.

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