[mapserver-users] Random acts of display...
Chad Streck
chads at adci.com
Thu Apr 19 06:49:18 PDT 2001
Hopefully this will be my last issue for a while. Everyone has been
great in helping keep this project going.
I have 2 issues that seem rather random. One happens on both NT and
Linux, and the other happens only on NT. The system is php_mapscript
with php_proj. The Linux system is running Apache/php4.0.4pl1/Postgres
and the NT system is running IIS/php4.0.4pl1/MSSQL7 (actually MSDE).
1) I have roughly 11 layers in my mapfile and when the script runs, I
populate 4 of the layers with points from an SQL table, 1 layer gets one
point to highlight if the user has clicked on one of the previous
points, and 1 layer gets a copyright notice. They are populated in that
order, and all other layers are county, highway, roads, hydro area and
imagery. The highlight layer displays a triangle with the company name
next to it, and this is the layer that concerns me. I have an addpoint
function that plots the point, with annotation/name if its included, and
then it does a drawLabelCache. The problem that exists is that it tends
to only render the name when it feels like it. I can keep clicking on a
point and it always renders the triangle, but only about 25%-50% of the
time it renders the name. I can add and test add point with all static
values for x, y, and name, and it works all the time. Finally, I do a
drawLabelCache before I saveWebImage on the map file. Very frustrating
and I'm unsure where to look. My only theory right now is that by
running on smaller machines (333 and a 266) that they tend to drop
things in an effort to speed up processing, but thats only a theory.
(Programmers LOVE theory.)
2) On the NT port, I have the exact same application running, but it
seems that about 50% of the time, no dots on the first 4 generated
layers don't show. Most times I get no errors, and if I do get
warnings, they are divide by 0 warnings. When looking at the what it is
dividing by, the statment is a divide by extent->maxx - extent->minx.
I have the same theory as above.
Any help or hints would be appreciated. I attached my mapfile if it
will help.
Chad Streck
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