[mapserver-users] FW: Need direction for enhancing Mapserver

Rob Atkinson rob at socialchange.net.au
Thu Aug 9 22:14:56 EDT 2001

You need a "gazetteer service" - do you build it internally (stovepipe) or do you link to network
addressable services. I'm working up a spec for the OpenGIS consortium for this service, and looking
for sponsors for an implementation pilot.

Q: Do want you implement mapserver as a gazetteer (possible) or link to other database services
(more likely)?


Rob Atkinson

Dan_Stevens at stricom.army.mil wrote:

> on the GUI side, and can already use the mapserver to query her world map
> to get the coordinates for a requested area, but the user must manually
> enter the text lat/long to actually retrieve the data, a process that is
> both "user unfriendly" and error prone.
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