Post in mapserver mailing list

Robert Schmitz-Huebsch robert.schmitz-huebsch at
Sun Aug 5 03:36:17 PDT 2001


I use Mapserver for my theoratical thesis at the University of Hannover,
Germany (and maybe later, too :-)).
I would like to participate in some of the discussions of the mapserver
mailing listing or open a new thread, maybe. But I found that the
HTML-Interface at

does not let me do so - do I have to sign up somewhere? Where?

As a work around, could you be so kind and forward the following request
to the list for me, please?
...maybe you have an idea about it already.





I try to set up an attribute query with mapserver.
All hits ought to be shown highlighted in the map.

I have a shapefile layer with an attribute field called "qual". The
values 0, 1 or 2 are saved in the column.
I already used the following possibilities:

mode="itemquery" (many different possible)
value="0,1,2" (you can choose with HTML-Interface)

EXPRESSION="?!??!" (is this really necessary?)

Bye the way:
...what does "searchmap" do?
Why do I always get the "no results found"-answer?

Following the Mapserver Testsuite Example 4

all this should be really a piece of cake....
Do I have to prepare the data in a special way?

Is there a "White Paper" or full-featured FAQ for Mapserver yet?

Please help!

Thanks a lot for advice,


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