[mapserver-users] Dynamic Layers PHP/Mapscript

Jim Burnett jimburnett at ntelos.net
Wed Aug 15 09:51:57 EDT 2001

Hi, I am running mapserver 3.5(night build), with PHP/Mapscript. 
I was wondering how to turn a layer on, before it gets displayed to my browser.

I have 3 layers in my map file. Layers 0 and 2 have "status on"  Layer 1 has "status off".

Here is what I am trying...
I am turning the status of my 2nd layer to "on" but it still doesnt show up.

$mapObj = ms_newMapObj("$dataPath/$map.map");
$layerObj = $mapObj->getLayer(1);

header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("content-type: image/jpeg");
$img->saveImage("",MS_JPEG,0,0, 80);



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