[mapserver-users] Mapserver v. 3.5 with SDE support

Ballard,Lowell LBallard at YesVirginia.org
Thu Aug 16 14:05:45 EDT 2001

Sort of slammed right now but I can give you the quickie SDE compilation I
did on RedHat 7.1:

1. put in your /etc/services file a line for the SDE service (e.g., esri_sde

2. obtain the SDE client libraries for Linux or whatever from the CDs (note
version e.g., 8.0 or 8.1)

3. when you configure SDE you will need to include 2 things:

--with-sde[=DIR]        Include ESRI SDE support (DIR is SDE's install dir).
--with-sde-version[=VERSION NUMBER]        Set ESRI SDE verion number
(Default is 80).

The first tells mapserv where those client libraries are on your hard drive

The second tells it what version to compile (i.e., did you use the client
libraries from the 8.0.x disc or the 8.1 disc).

In your .map file to access SDE layers do this:

  NAME sites
  CONNECTION "matoaka,esri_sde,gisdb,data,PASSWORD"
  DATA "sites,shape"
#  DATA va_sites
  CLASSITEM "site_no"
  LABELITEM "site_no"
  MAXSCALE 100000
  HEADER sites_header.html
    NAME "Sites"
    COLOR 161 167 135
    TEMPLATE sites.html

where shape is the field in the SDE/Oracle/etc. database.

Hope that helps....

-----Original Message-----
From: Pericles S. Nacionales [mailto:pnaciona at gis.umn.edu] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 12:01 PM
To: Maul, Andreas-Alexander
Cc: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Mapserver v. 3.5 with SDE support


I will look into getting ArcSDE installed on one of my Windows
machine.  Unfortunately, as much as I would like to include SDE in the
win32 binary package, I can't do it soon enough.  I'm out of town right
now and will be gone for the rest of August and most of September.  If you
wantthis functionality ASAP, perhaps someone in the list can give it to
you.  Also, it would be nice if anyone can document how they compiled SDE
into MapServer.


On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Maul, Andreas-Alexander wrote:

> Hi,
> is it possible that the mapserver version 3.5 nightly build for win32
> be compiled with SDE support? I would greatly appreciate it.
> Regards,
> Andreas

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