[mapserver-users] Mapplet document.mapserv has no properties

lc christym at geoplan.ufl.edu
Thu Aug 16 13:17:20 EDT 2001

Hey, thanks for the reply, Chan.

I've attached the source code for my html template.  In it you can see the
recommended/necessary changes for implementing the mapplet:

1. named the FORM that is sent to the mapserver app.
This is the same name that's refered to in the mapplet_apply function.

2. added the mapplet_apply and mapplet_error functions

3. added the hidden variables: imgxy and imgbox

4. replaced the output map image (<img src= ...>) with the applet
definition (<applet codebase=......>)

Also, here's another link to my mapserver site:
I hope that this one will work for you.  Please let me know if it does or doesn't work.

Oh and just to reiterate, I'm getting the following error message when I try
to drag zoom on the applet map image:
    Applet mapplet document.mapserv has no properties

which of course is referring to my FORM, "mapserv".

Thanks a bunch,

"Chan B. Huynh" wrote:

> hi Christine,
> seems like i cannot get to the website.
> Maybe attach us the source code
> Hello all,
> I need help with mapplet.  I'm getting the following error message when I
> try to drag-zoom:
>     "Applet mapplet document.mapserv has no properties"
> where "document.mapserv" is the form that's submitted to the mapserver app.
> Please check out the following site:
> http://geneva/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/html/download/mapserv/maps/doqq.m
> ap&layers=cntbnd+hydros&mapext=370000+360000+793990.758+59428.989&amp;mode=b
> rowse
> and its source code, and let me know if you have ideas on remedying this
> problem.
> Thank you.
> Regards,
> Christine McCain
> Research Assistant
> Geoplan / University of FL
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