[mapserver-users] All good!! - Types and multi layered files

Richard Ford mapserver at cubok.com
Sun Aug 19 04:30:15 PDT 2001

G'Day All,

Thanks for all the help from people over the last 2 -3 weeks.

I now had a 'nod' on mapserver and off I go.....

I have been building a quick rudimentary map server app that is a recreation
of an ArcView project.

I have found some small things that I would like to run past people...

1)  Is there a colour chart online with RGB codes?  For choosing layer

2)  Multilayed shapefiles.  I have some shapefiles that contain within the
one file - multiple layers.  How do I get the multiple parts in the
shapefile to display?  Currently I am only getting one - say a multi layer
shape file with a bit of land and rivers on it.  I can only get the land to
appear and no rivers?

3) File types.  I read in the map file definition pages on the main web site
that one should "use common sense" with file types.  That is when displaying
one can use a different format than the shapefile, etc, etc.

I have a layer/theme/shapefile!  :)  that is stated as "PolyLine" in
ArcView - it is a countor map - made from a digital elevation model.  Now
defining it as polyline got me this result:

msDrawShapefileLayer(): General error message. POLYGON layers must be
POLYGON shapefiles.

I changed the type to line and it worked - however the lines were a little
"jaggy" in that small pieces here and there were missing.  I decided to fool
about with this type definition after reading the docs (to test and also to
learn more about GIS, MS, etc) and found that a type of "Point: also worked.
However with even more missing pieces and very much a "point" like result.

Now is my missing bits in LINE related to the fact that I have chosen this
type?  And why can't I define the layer as Polyline - the error message


Richard Ford.
richard at cubok.com   www.cubok.com

The views expressed here are solely my own and do not necessarily represent
those of my employer.

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