[mapserver-users] Feature_ID

Stephen Lime steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Mon Aug 20 09:12:58 PDT 2001

What version, datatype etc? Assuming there is an item called feature_id there's no reason it
shouldn't work. That said being able to use a psuedo id in classes is not a bad idea. That id
is already a part of the internal shape structures but it's not trivial to add that to the expression
handler. Would you add this as a feature request to Bugzilla?


Stephen Lime
Internet Applications Analyst

Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

>>> "Jim Burnett" <jimburnett at ntelos.net> 08/17/01 12:55PM >>>
Why can't I use Feature_ID as a CLASSITEM?
I have a line layer, which has other attribute data, but no matter which of the fields I use, none work. Why cant I just use the standard FeatureID.   its just for display only.


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